HRP Series Industrial Air to Air Thermal Recovery Units with QDT Heat Pipe

HRP Series
Industrial Air to Air Thermal Recovery Units with QDT Heat Pipe
- Energy Savings
- Choice of Blower Types
- Gas, Electric, Hot Water or Glycol Heating
- Chilled Water or DX Cooling Coil
- Indoor and Outdoor
- Filter Options
- Computerized Heat Pipe Sizing

The Practical Heat Exchanger for Industrial Heat Recovery
Although industrial process exhaust contains valuable thermal energy, it generally contains contaminants in the form of condensables, corrosives or particulates. These complicate energy recovery efforts.
An effective heat exchanger must be able to separate the BTUs from the dirty air. This requires both a versatile heat exchanger design plus the engineering know-how and experience to properly apply it. Engineered Air, with its HRP Series of Packaged Heat Recovery units, offers you both.
The HRP Series is an air-to-air heat pipe heat exchanger specifically designed for the complexities of industrial heat recovery.
It has the following advantages:
- No moving parts
- Nothing to wear out, so the HRP Series has an extremely long lifetime with no mechanical maintenance.
- No cross
contamination - Sealed partition separates the two airflows preventing contamination of the fresh air by the exhaust.
- Self-contained
- Requires no external power of operation.
- Minimum cleaning
- Specially designed with fewer fins on the dirty process exhaust side than on the clean fresh air side. Industrial HRP Series have flat, continuous plate fins to provide see-thru, clean-thru™ capability. Built-up dirt can easily be flushed during cleaning.
- Size flexibility
- A wide range of sizes are available that can be installed singly or as modules to meet the requirements of almost any airflow system.
- Performance
flexibility - A wide range in the number of rows of heat pipes are available to provide desired recovery performance while still affording minimum cleaning maintenance. Buy only the amount of recovery you need.
- Material flexibility
- Available in different materials of construction to accommodate various corrosive effluents. Heresite® protective coating is also available for temperatures up to 400°F
- Compact
- HRP Series range from 6 to 16 inches deep in the direction of flow which reduces space required, lowers installation costs, provides ease of handling and simplifies cleaning.
- Structurally sound
- Constructed of heavy gauge materials to easily withstand the rigors of industrial environments.
In short, the Industrial HRP Series has the versatility needed to meet the varied conditions of industrial heat recovery. In addition, Engineered Air has the knowledge and experience to successfully apply this versatility to solve your heat recovery problems.
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HRW Series Packaged Heat Recovery with EngA's Total Energy Wheel
When providing 100% outside ventilation air the Total Energy Wheel can drastically reduce cooling loads, heating loads and help to control humidity problems in any building. Combined with our state of the art W-TRAC controller we help you maximize building efficiency in both summer and winter applications. Learn More

HRW Series
Packaged Heat Recovery with EngA's Total Energy Wheel
- Energy Savings
- Choice of Blower Types
- Indoor and Outdoor
- Chilled Water or DX Cooling
- Gas, Electric or Hot Water Heating
- Filter Options
- Computerized Wheel Sizing

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Due to continuous product development, specifications, dimensions and capacities are subject to change without notice.
HRA Series Packaged Heat Recovery with EngA's TRP Air to Air Heat Exchanger
Air to air heat exchangers can be employed in any ventilation system to reduce energy consumption. Systems that see the greatest benefit are the ones that have high volumes of hot exhaust air that also need to preheat cold outside air.
With options including auxiliary heating, cooling, flexibility in unit configurations, control systems and protective coatings, HRA units can be effectively used in many situations. Learn More

HRA Series
Packaged Heat Recovery with EngA's TRP Air to Air Heat Exchanger
- Energy Savings
- Gas, Electric, Hot Water, Steam or Glycol Heating
- Chilled Water or DX Cooling Coil
- Choice of Blower Types
- Indoor or Outdoor
- Filter Options
- Computerized Heat Exchanger Sizing

Benefits of Heat Recovery
- Heat recovery from exhaust air can significantly reduce the ever increasing operating costs of heating, air conditioning and ventilating
- The initial investment made into the heat recovery equipment is easily recovered because of lower operating costs
- Less environmental pollution due to lower energy consumption
- Added benefit of "air to air" plate type heat exchangers are:
- Virtually complete separation of the air streams
- No moving parts
- No wear, thus low maintenance costs
- Long life
- Not susceptible to breakdowns
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HRG Series Glycol Run Around Heat Reclaim System
Combined with proven Engineered Air heating systems to augment the reclaim system:
- HE Series
- Direct Fired Burners
- HE-K Series
- Electric Resistance Heaters
- DG Series
- Industrial Gas or Oil Burners
- LM Series
- Hydronic Heating
Utilize the Engineered Air computerized coil selection process to optimize the fluid handling system components for maximum efficiency and minimum cost.

HRG Series
Glycol Run Around Heat Reclaim System
Optional Features
- Piping enclosures, insulated and weather proofed for outdoor installations
- Pipe insulation
- Exhaust coil wash-down plenum and drain pan
- Steel tube, aluminum fin coil
- Special dimensions and configurations
Where should HRG Series be used?
- Commercial and industrial buildings, where exhaust and makeup are required for many hours of the year, the more hours the better.
- In installations where exhaust air temperatures are from 80°F to 200°F and where the air is not particularly corrosive. Exhaust air temperatures below 80°F tend not to be an economic source of heat, particularly where outdoor air temperatures are sub zero, and the possibility of circulating glycol at temperatures below 32°F exists, thus creating certain frosting conditions on the exhaust coil, which is a dehumidifying coil. While the control system can automatically prevent frost from forming, the efficiency of the system is low while operating in a "frost prevention" mode and energy savings may be less than anticipated.
- Areas of the country where the normal energy source is relatively expensive will be attractive for heat reclaim systems: the relative cost of energy seems to be rising at an alarming rate throughout all of Canada, so few areas will not find the reclaim of heat a wise economic move.
Why a HRG Series System instead of an Air to Air System?
The reclaim of heat, as developed so far, while saving heating energy, does demand the expenditure of energy in another form; fan motor horsepower to overcome the reclaim device air pressure drop. A glycol run around system requires about the same amount of extra energy to run the two fans and one pump, than an air to air system does for its two fans. However, in the glycol system, the pump may be shut off at a point when it is determined that heating savings no longer outweigh the cost for pump power.
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UVC Series EngA's UV Centurion Lighting System
UV-Centurion direct and indirect irradiation design provides proper UV-C ray dispersion to cover the total controlled surface, killing most common molds, bacteria and viruses in under 60 seconds.
UV-Centurion triple zone coverage separates the rain pan/lower cooling coil module from the cooling coil / filter module to irradiate the areas where molds, viruses and bacteria are most likely to collect. This combination creates system lethal to pathogens. The drain pan module with reflector , directly and indirectly cover Engineered Air's Fast Pan / drain pan system keeping them clean and free flowing. The coil face / filter module continually bathe the face of the cooling coil killing any pathogens that may be deposited there, keeping them from multiplying and eventually clogging the coil. The downstream side of the filters is also bathed continually in UV-C, killing any growth on the leaving side before it can be released downstream.
Features & Benefits
- High Output Lamps
- Quicker killing of molds, bacteria and viruses
- Total Control System
- Provides triple zone coverage
- High Polish Reflector
- Maximizes UV-C intensity and dispersion
- Pathogen Free Environment
- Reduces maintenance costs, improves running efficiencies and IAQ
- Keyed Lamp/Ballast Connector
- Ensures proper tower to each UV-C lamp
- Modular Design
- Can be installed in existing systems
- Sleeved Drain Pan Modules
- Impervious to water, controlled operating temperatures.
- Chemical Free
- No harmful effects from hazardous chemicals
- 9000 Hours Life
- Continuous cleansing of all services

UVC Series
EngA's UV Centurion Lighting System
NAME | LETHAL DOSE (µW-sec/cm&sep2;) |
Bacillus Anthracis | 4,520 |
Corynebacterium Diptheriae | 3,370 |
Escherichia Coli (e coli) | 3,000 |
B. Subtilis | 7,100 |
Micrococcus Candidas | 6,050 |
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis | 10,000 |
Dysentery Bacilli | 2,200 |
Spirillum Rubrum | 4,400 |
Streptococcus Lactis | 6,150 |
Penicillium Expansum | 13,000 |
- Control of virus, bacteria, mold and algae
- Triple zone system
- Easily serviced
- Safety Interlock
- High output lamp technology

Case Studies
Grant Bone and Joint Revitalization Project - Columbus, Ohio - D5582 (TC-597)
The Grant Bone and Joint Center building was originally a downtown Holiday Inn that over the years had been modified. As a former hotel the facility did not have any existing mechanical rooms and space on the roof was already limited with the existing chillers and air handling equipment.
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Due to continuous product development, specifications, dimensions and capacities are subject to change without notice.
SI Series Odor Removal for Commercial and Industrial Applications
The Oxidizer process is simple. High static voltage ionizes oxygen and then using basic principles of organic chemistry it naturally breaks down (oxidizes) gaseous compounds, leaving CO2, H2O and O2 as the primary end products.
For maximum results, the Oxidizer units should be connected to the suction side of any ducted system to maximize contact time between the oxidant and odorous gases.
The Oxidizer units are easily adaptable to the A-TAC1 system to create an automated air purification system, continually balancing oxidant levels with load levels for the air.
The Oxidizer will treat air problems in spaces where there are no existing air ducts2 or can be used to inject ozone into ducted air systems.
1 A-TAC is a series of IAQ sensors for air sampling on equipment regulation
2 recommended use with A-TAC system if used in occupied space.
Oxidizer Model |
Coverage Range of AHU by CFM |
Oxidizer Blower Size |
Mounting Weight |
Adaptable to A-TAC |
Discharge Opening |
Fan Control |
SI-200 | 500 - 5,000 | 140 CFM | 25 lbs | yes | 3” | 0 - 100% |
SI-500 | 1,500 - 10,000 | 140 CFM | 27 lbs | yes | 3” | 0 - 100% |
SI-1000 | 3,500 - 25,000 | 180 CFM | 35 lbs | yes | 3” | 0 - 100% |
- Forward curved blower delivers maximum air flow with high static capability
- High efficiency double screen discharge plates
- Large air inlet with 2 ply poly pad filters for maximum plate protection against particulates, extending cleaning intervals
- Variable speed fan / multi-speed fan control with hour meter
- Heavy gauge steel construction
- High output at high air volumes for maximum grams/hr rating (gm/hr)
- Easily adapted to A-TAC automatic monitoring and control system
- Safety Interlock Switch for safety during maintenance
- Large air discharge outlet for maximum grams of deliverable oxidant
- Remote mounting capabilities allows charged oxygen to be ducted into areas where there are heavy particulate loads, high humidity or other challenges while keeping the Oxidizer in a safe environment
Odorous Gases that can be Neutralized
- Formaldehyde, Xylene, Toluene, Styrene
- Glutaraldehyde, Carbon Monoxide, Acetone,
- Benzene, Hydrogen Sulfide, Ammonia, Ketone
- Complex ETS (tobacco smoke) gases and general food odors
Recommended Applications
- Paint booths, large trash bins, building exhaust systems
- Printing shops, manufacturing areas, food storage containers
- Casinos, bars, restaurants, bowling alleys, wastewater facilities
- Morgues, animal containment buildings
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Oxidizer 2000 Odor Reduction System for Waste Water Applications
Oxidation Process
Oxidation technology can be effectively employed to break down odorous gases formed in wastewater facilities or any industrial site that causes problems for those living or working nearby. The oxidation process allows a form of oxygen (ozone) to combine with odorous molecules to break down the chemical structure and reform the atoms into simple compounds. Ozone is found naturally in the outdoors. Ozone is created by ultra violet rays from the sun or by high voltage electrical discharge during lightning storms. EngA’s Oxidizer 2000 copies nature by using high voltage to create a concentrated ozone discharge.
The TRI MED® Patented Process
The Oxidizer 2000 produces concentrated ozone within high voltage modules. A powerful fan draws the ozone from the modules combining them with the odorous gas molecules. The mixture of ozone and odorous gases is discharged into a specially designed reaction chamber. Chemical reactions take place that result in a deodorized mixture that is discharged to atmosphere. This patented process is completed with minimal operating cost, no hazardous waste to dispose of and no costly consumables to replace.
Oxidizer Features
- Corrosion resistant stainless steel enclosure
- High voltage / high output modules with removable and cleanable components
- High efficiency outside air filters
- Hinged doors for easy access to internal components
- Variable oxidation output allows easy adjustment to match applications
- Extended duct collars for easy installation
- Epoxy coated direct drive fan available in two sizes
- Motor mounted in ventilated cabinet out of air stream
- Adjustable speed controls
- 120/1/60 supply power non-fused disconnect switch
- Main control panel with NEMA 12 rated lights and switches
- Hour meter for maintenance schedule tracking
- 12 month warranty

Reaction Chamber Features
- All stainless steel construction with condensate drain
- Multi-Channel, low static, hight retention time design
- Requires no chemical additives or internal replacement media
- Extended duct collars for easy installation
- 12-month warranty
- Lift Stations, Manholes, Syphones
- Grit Rooms, Head Works, Belt Press
- Process Areas, Sludge Tanks
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Due to continuous product development, specifications, dimensions and capacities are subject to change without notice.